While orders are usually shipped within 5-7 business days of being received, we may experience a high volume of orders or demand for certain products. Thus, orders may take longer to ship. Once your order has shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email along with tracking information. Please also note that the shipping rates are a flat rate, and not currently based on weight of the items purchased.
We are not responsible for lost/stolen or damaged items. In the event that you do not receive your order, please refer to the tracking information that is emailed to you upon completing your order and contact the shipping carrier to resolve the issue and place the appropriate claim. Once items leave our facilities and the carrier states delivered it is no longer within our policy to replace anything lost/stolen or damaged. We will assist you otherwise within our capabilities.
For any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at
While we currently do not process returns, exchanges, cancelations, or refunds, rare exceptions are at the discretion of The Kidult Life team. In the case of an exception, all exchanges will be subject to a $10 processing fee.
Please be sure to verify items, sizes, as well as the shipping address before checking out.